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av John Wiese

”Secant” är ett videoverk där duovarianten av grindcore-bandet Sissy Spacek gör en hyllning till den konceptuelle konstnären GX Jupitter-Larsen. Hans projekt The Haters har gjort ökända performance-föreställningar där man sprängt kullar i Kalifornien med dynamit, krossat glas på klubbar och gjort allmänt upprorsliknande events.

John Wiese (f. 1977) är designer, konstnär och kompositör baserad i Los Angeles. Han är en legend inom den underjordiska noise-scenen och har släppt över 150 plattor, singlar och kassetter. Han har gjort mängder av samarbeten, turnerat världen över och är medlem i Sissy Spacek.

Video: John Wiese
Musik: Sissy Spacek och GX Jupitter-Larsen
Curator: Joachim Nordwall


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Pliant Glimpses: Experimental Video Compilation

Robert Beatty
Sarah Downen
John Wiese
Andrew Lampert
Sarah Paulsen
Kevin Harris
NNN Cook

Monday, November 9, 2020 | 8:15pm CST
Online (New Music Circle YouTube Channel) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9MBWiPNylxVhuv6PBDLoIQ
This event will be free to view, however your donations will help support this event and other NMC events to come


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John Wiese’s

The first L.A. screening – and only second anywhere – of a film Wiese’s describes as a “new edit of PURPLE RAIN where Prince murders Apollonia and gets away with it.”

Artist Q&A to follow the screening.


04.25.19, 8pm
Tickets are $10 onsite.
Early arrival recommended!

“PURPLE RAIN: TERROR BEYOND BELIEF shines a darker shade of purple on the ‘greatest music movie of them all.’ If ‘Darling Nikki’ was all it took for Tipper Gore to start the PMRC, one wonders what PR:TBB might have done for the MPAA. Unlike other works of appropriation which selectively reorganize ‘bites’ into a new decontexualized construct, PR:TBB pushes an existing, diegetic act of violence a few cinematic degrees further, and then lets the third act play through (albeit without Apollonia’s presence). This is PURPLE RAIN as you have seen it before (yet not).”


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Macao, Milan, Italy, May 18–19, 2018

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Purple Rain: Terror Beyond Belief
Spectacle Theater’s Best of 2016 and January 27 screening:

dir. John Wiese, 2014.
USA, 90 min.


Having brought to our audience such spectacular single-work détournements like THE SHINING FORWARDS AND BACKWARDS and TOUGH GUYS, we are now pleased to premiere Los Angeles-based artist John Wiese’s 2014 effort PURPLE RAIN: TERROR BEYOND BELIEF.

Described by Wiese himself as “a new edit of PURPLE RAIN where Prince murders Apollonia and gets away with it,” PR:TBB shines a darker shade of purple on the “greatest music movie of them all.” If “Darling Nikki” was all it took for Tipper Gore to start the PMRC, one wonders what PR:TBB might have done for the MPAA.

Unlike other works of appropriation which selectively reorganize “bites” into a new decontexualized construct, PR:TBB pushes an existing, diegetic act of violence a few cinematic degrees further, and then lets the third act play through (albeit without Apollonia’s presence). This is PURPLE RAIN as you have seen it before (yet not).

An artist and composer living in Los Angeles, John Wiese is a highly respected figure, both in contemporary sound art as well as the international experimental music underground. Wiese is also known for his influential grind/noisecore band Sissy Spacek, extreme electronics unit LHD, and for numerous collaborations. He is also an accomplished visual and graphic artist, with a long list of international exhibitions and printed materials.


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Trailer for John Wiese screening at Anthology Film Archives, August 4, 2016

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An artist and composer living in Los Angeles, John Wiese began experimenting with recording as a teenager and has since gone on to become a highly respected figure, both in the academic world of contemporary sound art as well as within the international experimental music underground. His music ranges from the serene and sublime to the frenetic and irregular, a sign of his ability to adapt and utilize a plethora of sounds to build captivating aural works. As a performer and recording artist, his expertise in composition, texture, and experimentation with sound is not restricted to work under his own name. Wiese is also known for his influential grind/noisecore band Sissy Spacek, extreme electronics unit LHD, and for his numerous collaborations with some of the finest experimental artists from around the world. He is also an accomplished visual and graphic artist with a long list of exhibitions and printed materials published across the globe. For his program at Anthology, Wiese will present eight film pieces that incorporate elements of documentation, narrative, and abstraction, using image, sound, and often silence, to create a visual score for both real and imagined sound.

SISSY SPACEK 2011, 16.5 min, digital, silent
THE TENSES WITH JOHN WIESE 2014, 12.5 min, digital
UNTITLED 2014, 6.5 min, digital, silent
LEATHER BATH 2013, 6.5 min, digital
SISSY SPACEK—MATA GALLERY 2014, 1.5 min, digital
I BET YOU CAN’T FINISH THAT GLASS OF WATER 2014, 10 min, digital, silent
THREE GLASS BOTTLES 2014, 30 sec, Super 8mm-to-digital, b&w
A SPECIFIC POINT IN A CONTINUOUS WHOLE 2014, 19.5 min, digital, silent

Total running time: ca. 80 min.
Thursday, August 4 at 7:30.

Each of our quarterly calendars contains hundreds of films and videos all grouped into a number of series or categories. Along with preservation screenings, theatrical premieres, thematic series, and retrospectives, we’re equally dedicated to presenting work by individuals operating at the vanguard of non-commercial cinema. Each month we showcase at least one such program, focusing on moving-image artists who are emerging, at their peak, or long-established but still prolific. These programs are collected under the rubric SHOW & TELL, to emphasize the presence of the filmmakers at each and every program.

About Anthology Film Archives: Founded in 1970, Anthology’s mission is to preserve, exhibit, and promote public and scholarly understanding of independent, classic, and avant-garde cinema. Anthology screens more than 1,000 film and video programs per year, publishes books and catalogs annually, and has preserved more than 900 films to date.

Directions: Anthology is at 32 Second Ave. at 2nd St. Subway: F to 2nd Ave; 6 to Bleecker.
Tickets: $11 general; $9 for students, seniors, & children (12 & under); $7 Anthology members

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