Tag Archives: Paul Knowles

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Sissy Spacek
Gerritt Wittmer/Paul Knowles
Illusion Of Safety

March 26, 2010
The Viaduct Theater
Chicago, IL

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Sissy Spacek
Gerritt Wittmer/Paul Knowles
C. Draheim

March 24, 2010
Dreamland Theater
Ypsilanti, MI

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Sissy Spacek
Gerritt Wittmer/Paul Knowles
Twilight of the Century
Grab Ass Cowboys
Buddy Cops

March 19, 2010
Upstate Artists Guild
Albany, NY

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Paul Knowles in Hadley, MA, 2010


Sissy Spacek
Gerritt Wittmer/Paul Knowles
Grey Skull
Belltone Suicide

March 18, 2010
Grey Matter Books
47 East St.
Hadley, MA

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Sissy Spacek
Gerritt Wittmer/Paul Knowles
A Snake In The Garden

March 17, 2010
Burlington, VT

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Black Pus, Sissy Spacek, Nautical Almanac, Gerritt Wittmer & Paul Knowles, and Weyes Bluhd in Allston, MA, March 2010

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Black Pus
Sissy Spacek
Nautical Almanac
Gerritt Wittmer/Paul Knowles
Weyes Blood

March 16, 2010
Great Scott
Allston, MA

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The Haters
Sissy Spacek
Gerritt Wittmer/Paul Knowles

February 26, 2010
The Smell
247 South Main St
Downtown Los Angeles

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Gerritt Wittmer & Paul Knowles, Los Angeles, 2010

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