Tag Archives: Sissy Spacek

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2019.9.4 ON RELEASE!!!!!!

CD/4tracks/Japanese Edition/1800JPY+TAX

1.Amok Time (非常階段 x Sissy Spacek) 11:42
2.Seven Directions (非常階段 x Sissy Spacek – テンテンコ参加) 04:47
3.Necro Ton (Sissy Spacek) 29:16
4.Live at Akihabara Club Goodman (非常階段) 29:50

“KING OF NOISE”!今年結成40周年を迎えた世界を代表するノイズバンド・非常階段と、昨年[…]dotsmarkのマネジメントにより初来日を果たしたUSブラー・グラインドSISSY SPACEKの初のコラボレーションアルバム。昨年のSISSY SPACEK日本滞在時に録音された非常階段とのコラボレーション、秋葉原GOODMANで行われた両バンドにテンテンコも加えてのセッションに加え、同日の非常階段のソロライヴ、SISSY SPACEKの未発表ソロ音源も同時収録。US盤とは異なるトラックリストで日本盤の登場です。8Pブックレットには坂口卓也氏によるライナーノーツ収録。

[…]dotsmark直営オンラインショップCULTURE discs& tapes他一部店舗では購入特典としてステッカー付き。

**非常階段 / HIJ0KAIDAN **
JOJO広重 / JOJO HIROSHIGE (Guitar/Vocal)
T.美川 / T.MIKAWA (Electronic sound)
JUNKO (Voice)
岡野太 / FUTOSHI OKANO (Drums)


SISSY SPACEK (シシー・スペイセク)

1999年ロサンゼルスで結成されたブラー / グラインドユニット。実験音楽家John Wieseによって設立され、ノイズコア、コラージュ、テープミュージック、フリーインプロビゼーション、ラージスケール・アンサンブル、そしてそれ以外にも、様々な要素を取り入れながら、グラインドコアのバンドして多彩な音楽シーンを超えて活躍を続ける中、多くのメンバーたちが、何年間も経つ間に、バンドに加わり、そして去っていった。このバンドは、数多くのジャンルをまたぐ、そして数多くのメソッドを駆使した30枚以上のフルアルバムを、すでにリリースしている。過去10年間のシシー・スペイセクは、ライブパフォーマンスで地獄から来たようなグラインドコアの演奏を容赦なく観客に叩きつけるとともに、幅広いジャンルのレコードをリリースし続けている。2018年には2013年からの編成であるCharlie Mumma (ドラム、2008年よりボーカル) とJohn Wiese (ベース、エレクトロニクス、ボーカル)のデュオで、結成20周年を記念し初の来日を果たした。



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Sissy Spacek/Smegma
Helicopter, H 88

Ace Farren Ford, Dennis Duck, and Ju Suk Reet Meate (three original members) are joined by Rock ’N’ Roll Jackie (35 years in the band), John Wiese (approximately 10 years), and a cast of others form the current third phase Smegma. Personnel of this album, “Ballast”, consists of this line-up plus Charlie Mumma, a member of Sissy Spacek since 2008.

The source material of “Ballast” was recorded at home and on the Los Angeles radio station Dublab, but what we hear is not exactly Smegma and Sissy Spacek performing together as a live group. Wiese’s production of the recording is a kind of un-doing of the live group playing, forging it into a new collage of sound. It reminds us of genome editing which results in diversity, and sometimes in mutation, of organisms.

The title of the album, “Ballast”, refers to a weight on a ship which improves it’s stability, but it is also a term for an electrical component that regulates electricity so as to not destroy the other components. It’s double meaning fits between the cover art and the collage process which is constantly partitioning and interrupting the elements of sound.

—Takuya Sakaguchi, from the liner notes


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Hijokaidan/Sissy Spacek
Helicopter, H 87

On the verge of their 40th and in the midst of their 20th anniversaries, respectively, Hijokaidan and Sissy Spacek merge in Tokyo for their first collaboration, featuring Jojo Hiroshige, Junko, T. Mikawa, Charlie Mumma, Futoshi Okano, Tentenko (guest), and John Wiese.

Hijokaidan formed in 1979, marking the first wave of groups in Japan exploring extreme noise. Sissy Spacek formed in 1999, often playing in large ensembles of players, and frequently exploring grindcore as a base for creating extreme music, often while eschewing the notion of music altogether.

During Sissy Spacek’s 20th anniversary tour in Japan, the recordings of “Amok Time” and “Seven Directions” were made with Hijokaidan in collaboration. While Hijokaidan’s sound has been described as a continuous climax of your entire progressive rock collection, Sissy Spacek’s “Twenty-Five Fragments” is a sequence of peak chaos from their 2018 tour, recorded on walkman for maximum effect.

Additionally, the CD edition contains Hijokaidan’s full live set at Akihabara Club Goodman.


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The Haters/Sissy Spacek
Multifactorial Dynamic Pathways
Helicopter, H 83

Despite many collaborations among these artists over the years, this album represents the first proper meeting of The Haters and Sissy Spacek. Often stuttering around a particular sound source or technique, the tracks on this collaboration are partitioned into precise 10-minute increments for an orderly shifting palette.

Formed in 1979, The Haters have explored many forms of entropy over their span, continuously broadening their approach through various mediums including recorded works, conceptual performances, radio, and video. In 2019, The Haters celebrate their 40th anniversary.

Sissy Spacek (comprised of Charlie Mumma and John Wiese) celebrated their 20th anniversary in 2018, touring extensively throughout the United States and Japan, with a number of releases expositing their broad range, including a new grindcore album on Nuclear War Now! Productions, and experimental works on labels such as Gilgongo Records, New Forces, Dotsmark (Japan), and Daymare Recordings (Japan). They begin their 21st year with a series of collaborations with longtime friends.


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Sissy Spacek
Freaked With Jet
Gilgongo Records

No guitars and fuck two-second gaps. A collection of six 7-inches (Gutter Splint, Fortune b/w The Eyes Of Men, Epistasis, Vacuum, Vanishing Point, and the split with Agathocles). Performed by Mumma/Ronnau/Wiese. The only band to make a Milton and a Mentors reference on the same album. Silk screened cover.

Edition of 100, or
Numbered edition of 50 with DVD.


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Sissy Spacek “Pitched Intervention” LP
Recorded in Los Angeles in February 2018 and consists of two sessions with Don Bolles (The Germs) and Mitchell Brown (Gasp), and one session with Mitchell Brown and Joseph Hammer (Solid Eye, Joe & Joe, LAFMS). CD edition is long sold-out!



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Sissy Spacek at Echoplex, Los Angeles, CA. Photo by Katz

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Benny Shambles w/ guests Sissy Spacek and Smegma – WEIRD ISH
Saturday, October 6 2018
02:00 PM – 04:00 PM

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Sissy Spacek – Trash Staging LP

New Forces is proud to celebrate the twentieth anniversary of Sissy Spacek with their latest LP, “Trash Staging.” Sissy Spacek have been one of my favorite bands for a long time, with a genre-bending catalog that spans grind, noisecore, collage, tape music, free improvisation, and large ensembles. Throughout, they have injected a frantic intensity into their music that is as addictive as it is unrelenting. “Trash Staging” could not be more perfectly calibrated to what I love most about this band, here consisting of John Wiese and Charlie Mumma. The record takes the “grind” and the “noise” of this project and pushes both to the limit. The A-Side, which plays at 45rpm, unleashes a noisy grindcore assault, the drums blending with the electronics into a massive wall of sound. Feedback, blast beats, and screeching vocals pummel the listener for 5 perfect minutes. This is Sissy Spacek at their most extreme, sure to leave you out of breath. On the B-Side, which plays at 33rpm, the noisy tendencies of this project are taken to their logical conclusion, as they blast the listener with grappling electronics for nearly 20 minutes. Well-deserved comparisons to Pain Jerk and Incapacitants may give you an idea of the sort of noise perfection to be found here. Dynamic and free flowing, this is the sort of noise that can induce a trance-like state at high volumes. For those of you that always want your music louder, faster, and more intense, look no further. This will probably be as close as you’re going to get. Your new favorite noise record, and your new favorite grind record, all in one convenient package.

Purchase: https://newforces.bigcartel.com/
Digital: https://newforces.bandcamp.com/album/trash-staging

New Forces Zine Issue 9
Issue 9 of the zine, this time dedicated entirely to Sissy Spacek! One long interview, and the usual reviews and ephemera.

Purchase: https://newforces.bigcartel.com/

Digital (purchase): https://sissyspacek.bandcamp.com/album/trash-staging

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